Investment according to ethical principles

928 Mio.

Investment assets

3.0 % p.a.

2011-2023 net return

0.30 % p.a.

Asset management costs

Asset investments at CONVITUS

Sound asset investment is the most important factor in the success of a pension fund. The investment income forms the “third contribution”, alongside the employee and employer contributions. Investments are made on an individual basis at CONVITUS according to investment pool and based on the corresponding risk-bearing capacity and risk appetite. CONVITUS is focused on very long-term investment aims.

CONVITUS firmly believes that long-term investment success hinges on the sustainability of the investments selected. This is why it invests in accordance with ethical principles. CONVITUS has made a conscious decision not to invest in alternative forms of investment such as hedge funds, structured products and other investment vehicles that lack transparency. CONVITUS also avoids investing in commodities.

CONVITUS firmly believes that the required level of investment income can be achieved by investing in equities, bonds issued by first-rate companies, and residential property at home and abroad.

Finally, CONVITUS focuses on implementing its investment strategies as cost-effectively as possible. Every saving, even if just a few francs in costs, adds up.

Our principles

  • Ethical investing (sustainable investments)

  • Long-term investment horizon

  • Investments limited to classic, transparent investment vehicles

  • Low costs

Our open asset pools

There are three asset pools open to smaller companies or companies not wishing to operate their own investment vehicle at CONVITUS

Key figures per 31.12.2024     Pool 1 Pool 3 Pool 7
Cover ratio (provisional)     109% 115% 109%
Investment volume (in CHF 1,000)     117'128 83'418 43'400
Number of pension funds     166 96 120
Number of insured members     3'038 532 540
Performance YTD   6.44% 6.26%
Investment strategy Bonds   40% 35% 40%
Equities / Alternative   30% 40% 30%
Real estate   25% 25% 15%
  Alternative assets   0% 0% 10%
  Infrastructure   5% 0% 5%
Asset manager    

UBS Switzerland AG

Albin Kistler AG

Albin Kistler AG

Zugerberg Finanz AG

Separate Account1.png

Investment pools | Pension schemes or groups of schemes that collectively manage investment assets of over CHF 5 million may set up a dedicated investment pool.  While the actuarial administration and control is exercised within the established framework of the foundation, an independent asset manager may be selected for the investment pool. The assets, the value fluctuation reserves and the cover ratio are not pooled with the rest of the CONVITUS Collective Foundation. Each investment pool must form and administer its own reserves in accordance with its investment strategy. All investment pools are individually insured with the Security Fund.
