"CONVITUS Collective Foundation is an independent registered pension fund institution. It is licensed to provide occupational pension benefits in accordance with the Occupational Pensions Act."
Affiliated companies8820
Insured membersAims of CONVITUS
Clear, transparent, return-oriented investment policy based on ethical principles
- Investing on the basis of Christian, ethical principles (e.g. no speculative investments in foodstuffs)
- No expensive hedge funds, no risky securities lending
- Efficient investment at low costs, generating as much net income for the insured persons as possible
Smart (i.e. customised) and cost-effective pension solutions
Through BERAG, CONVITUS has access to a very large and experienced administration office with sophisticated administration systems. This means it can offer its affiliated members all of the pension solutions permitted by law without the high costs normally associated with such a high level of individuality. However, the initial aim at CONVITUS is to provide our customers with expert advice and to gain an understanding of the specific and individual pension needs of each affiliated member.
Clear governance and transparency
When the CONVITUS Collective Foundation was established and launched in 2010, all of the experienced gained during 25 years of the BVG was put to good use. CONVITUS benefits from a separation of powers, the exclusion of conflicts of interests, transparent accounting and information for insured persons, and now also permanent access to the Foundation's live data for insured persons and affiliations thanks to a web portal based on the latest technology.
Securing customer confidence
For most workers, occupational pension provision is their most important savings product. CONVITUS approaches its obligation towards its beneficiaries on a corresponding trust basis. The working relationship with affiliated employers is also carefully nurtured to achieve long-term relationships based on trust. At CONVITUS, the affiliated employers are always viewed as partners, with whom the Foundation is in permanent contact.
Our organisation

Tax-exempt pillar 2 institution entered in the register of occupational benefits schemes of the Canton of Basel-Stadt within the meaning of Art. 80 et seq. SCC, Art. 331 SCO and Art. 48 para. 2 OPA
Beratungsgesellschaft für die zweite Säule AG,
Dornacherstrasse 230, 4018 Basel
Gruber Partner AG
Bahnhofstrasse 78, 5000 Aarau
Pension insurance expert
c-alm AG
Zwinglistrasse 6, 9000 St. Gallen
ZURICH Versicherungen
Asset management
UBS Switzerland AG
Albin Kistler AG
Zugerberg Finanz AG
Supervisory authority
BSABB BVG- und Stiftungsaufsicht beider Basel (Supervisory Board for Occupational Pensions and Foundations of the Two Basels)
Eisengasse 8, 4001 Basel
Information and advice
Beratungsgesellschaft für die zweite Säule AG,
Dornacherstrasse 230, 4018 Basel
Data protection consulting
BaselLegal GmbH
Aeschengraben 29, 4051 Basel
Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is made up of highly professional individuals with long-standing experience. Their job is to actively pursue the goals of CONVITUS and enable all insured members to obtain fair pension provision.
Employee representatives
Dr. Thomas Giudici (Präsident)
Giudici Consulting GmbH
Markus Eger
zugelassener Revisor
T. O. Advisco AG
Michael Bärtschi
Leiter Finanzen
Gemeinde für Christus
Employer representatives
Simon A. Ganther (Vizepräsident)
Simon A. Ganther Finanzberatung und Kulturmanagement
Dr. Peter Gloor
Leiter Finanzkommission und
Mitglied des Heimatrates
OMF Suisse
Stefan Wettstein
Leiter Corporate Center
Häring & Co. AG